June 2011
5 posts

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Made with wind power, now branded
Windmade is a new not-for-profit organisation launched by Vestas Wind Systems to brand products that have been made using energy sourced from wind farms on the back of a survey of 25,000 consumers and has already garnered support from companies such as Lego, WWF and PWc. Although the standards have yet to be defined they have released the visual identity that will sit on packaging alongside...

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Swedish music awards event Grammis New Logo
Grammis is a famous Swedish music awards event, also known as the Swedish Grammy, the award was established in 1969. Obviously the name is subject to the U.S. Grammy Grammy infection, but note that this either-Grammy Grammy, two have different concepts, so do not confuse friends. June 8, Grammis announced the opening of a five-pointed star logo, the logo designed by the WDW. The new logo looks...

Google designed the logo for the total eclipse
The logo of google today has been changed into a lunar total eclipse gadget today, it is definitely fun and lovely, people could play it and watch the simulation of Lunar Eclipse process.. However, i have also found the bad aspects of this logo, when you search something with google and you want to paste the results, sometimes the screen will be frozen. And you will be stucked at there. Have you...

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May 2011
2 posts

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